Years 7- 10
All courses and units of study reflect The Australian National Curriculum. This is an important focus in the high school as well as an emphasis on personal development and living skills. The curriculum provides educational, recreational, vocational and social experiences to support students to achieve a satisfying quality of life with vocational pathways a priority. We have a strong focus and commitment to Pastoral Care and we have allocated 4 hours each week to this important area. A range of elective options are available that directly reflect National Curriculum priorities.
All students in years 7 – 10 study English, Mathematics, Science, History or Geography and Physical Education. In addition students select 2 elective units of study. Units could include: Textiles, Visual Arts, Pottery/Ceramics, Wood technology, Food technology, Outdoor Educations, Leisure Skills, Music, Dance or Drama.
Students in year 9 and 10 participate in a formal Independent Travel study unit as part of their important transition program. This is highly supported and individually negotiated.
Year 10 is an important Transition point and while some eligible students will elect to progress to the senior college program many will transition to another supported college setting.
Years 11 and 12
Senior students enroll in courses of study approved by the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS) Post-school options and supported pathways to the future are a priority and are planned with students, families, other agencies and Disability ACT.
All courses and units taught are modified to suit the skills and abilities of students enrolled at the school. Through studying BSSS approved courses and units students are eligible to receive either a modified Year 12 Certificate or a Secondary College record. Courses offered are: Work Education, Contemporary English, Life Leisure and Learning, Contemporary Mathematics and Food for Life. Units of study are generally taught over a semester according to BSSS requirements. Please refer to the BSSS website for more information.
Students select elective units of work from a range of ASDAN units as well as Dance or Road Ready.
Participation in work experience, social placement and extended work placements are a strong focus and important preparation for transition from college to post-school life. We work collaboratively with Disability ACT and the House With No Steps to ensure positive experiences.
The Woden School offers an increasing range of ASDAN modules. ASDAN is a not-for-profit organisation managed by teachers that provides a range of educational courses and modules for a range of student abilities. (ASDAN website)
Over fifty Towards Independence Modules have been formally adopted in the year 11/12 program through the Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS) including: Water Skills, Creativity, Pottery and Ceramics, Popular Culture and Using Leisure Time. Some are offered as electives and others are programmed into specific classes according to individual needs. All modules allow students to take small steps in achievement towards a larger goal. Students in years 9 and 10 may elect Towards Independence Modules for their electives: Going to College, Horticulture and Independent Travel.
The modules have been developed specifically for young people with disabilities and they provide flexible learning pathways for our students and a framework of activities through which personal, social and independence skills can be developed and accredited for those with a range of learning difficulties. Sstudent's receive external recognition for the ASDAN units successfully completed.
Opportunities are provided for students to participate in a range of Vocational Education and Training programs to obtain nationally recognised qualifications. These programs provide authentic opportunities and may involve completing training offsite. For many of these programs travel training is provided to support students to access courses independently. Opportunities for students to participate in CIT programs, traineeships and the ASBA program are strongly supported. Current programs include:
Certificate 2 Kitchen Operations at Reid CIT,
Certificate I in Horticulture at Bruce CIT
White Card Occupational Health and Safety Certificate
Indigenous Education
ACT public schools encourage Indigenous students to participate in education so as to achieve equitable and appropriate educational outcomes, especially with literacy and numeracy skills. Indigenous programs also aim to increase student understanding of, and respect for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural perspectives and to extend the teaching of these perspectives across the school curriculum. These programs assist schools to implement measures to address prejudice and racism and address the maintenance and development of Indigenous languages.
The Woden School runs an active program for all our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. We have a nominated teacher who coordinates programs and activities throughout the school to promote harmony and understanding. For example:
- Indigenous Traditional games are part of our Athletics Carnival and regular PE lessons.
- NAIDOC celebrations are a regular event and involve other schools and the community.
- Regular excursions are scheduled to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, the Australian National Museum and other places of historical value to link with cross-curriculum perspectives.
- Our SRC has two designated positions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander involvement and access to educational decision making.