
Enrolling/Transferring - ACT Public Schools

Visit the Education website at www.education.act.gov.au for more information and to enrol using the online enrolment form

Parents/carers are welcome to apply to enrol/transfer their child at any time during the school year using an online application form. Full details are available from the Education website.

Enrolments at the Woden School can only be considered if students meet the ACT Disability Criteria.

The high school enrols students from year 7 to 10 and the college for years 11 and 12.  The Eligibility Criteria for years 11 and 12 is slightly different. Some students meet the criteria and elect to remain at Woden after year 10 while many transition to supported college programs at the end of year 10. This move reflects the normal transitions that other students make in our community. These are very supported and collaborative transitions.

Once eligibility has been confirmed and a place has been offered - parents/carers can enrol/transfer their son or daughter at any time during the school year using an online application form. Full details are available from the Education Directorate website.

Teachers, counsellors, parents and others can refer students to the Senior Counsellors, Special Needs. Recommendations for placement are made through a central intake panel annually, and during the year through a senior counsellor and the Manager of Student Services.

The school is staffed by the Education Directorate of the ACT (ACT EDU). Student's needs are assessed to determine staffing levels for the school. The school staff, led by the Principal, includes a Deputy Principal, three executive teachers, classroom teachers, specialist teachers in art, drama, home economics, physical education, technology, library, science and computing, and support staff in the administration and classroom areas.

Upon enrolment to all ACT EDU schools, families are required to submit a medical history form for each student. These forms are available from the school, from the Education Directorate, or it may be accessed and printed for submission here.

Excursion Medical Information and Consent Form (pdf icon 281 KB).